Sports betting marketplaces have affected Indians betting behavior. They let people to gamble against each other rather than against a bookmaker. You not only get higher odds, but you also have more control over your betting experience.

However, like with any kind of betting, there are laws that must be observed to ensure fair play and avoid any fraudulent actions. Rule 4 is one such rule that applies to betting exchanges in India. In this essay, we will define Rule 4 and how it influences your betting.

What is Rule 4?

Sports betting markets have transformed Indian betting habits. They enable people to bet against one another rather than a bookmaker. You not only get higher odds, but you also have more freedom and control over your betting experience.

When one or more horses withdraw from a race, Rule 4 reduces the odds of the remaining horses. This rule applies to all forms of horse racing, including betting exchanges. The rule is meant to keep punters from profiting disproportionately from a horse’s withdrawal.

How does Rule 4 work?

Assume you bet $4/1 on a horse. However, one of the horses withdraws before the race. Because there is now one less competitor, your horse’s chances of winning have increased. Rule 4 is meant to ensure that you are not unfairly favored.

The amount deducted is determined by the horse’s chances and the number of horses still in the race. The greater the deduction, the more likely the horse will be pulled. Similarly, if there are fewer horses left in the race, the deduction will be larger.

For example, if a horse with odds of 10/1 is withdrawn from a race with 10 horses, the deduction will be 25p in the pound. This means that your original odds of 4/1 will now be reduced to 3/1. If two horses are withdrawn, the deduction will be 45p in the pound, and so on.

Why is Rule 4 important?

Rule 4 is significant since it assures that all bettors have an equal opportunity to win. Without this restriction, bettors on horses that benefit from a withdrawal would have an unfair edge. This could lead to fraudulent acts, compromising the sport’s legitimacy.

Betting exchanges ensure that all punters are treated fairly and that the odds accurately reflect the possibilities of each horse winning by using Rule 4. Everyone involved benefits from a more open and trustworthy betting experience.


Rule 4 is an important rule that applies to all forms of horse racing, including betting exchanges in India. It ensures that all punters are treated fairly and that the odds accurately reflect the chances of each horse winning. By following this rule, betting exchanges can maintain the integrity of the sport and provide a trustworthy betting experience for all. As a punter, it is important to understand how Rule 4 works and how it can affect your betting.

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